[Towertalk] Request for Assistance in Identifying Manufacturer of 60' Cra...

KJ6Y@aol.com KJ6Y@aol.com
Sun, 12 Jan 2003 15:11:39 EST

Tower looks like a Tri-Ex H-354 from the pictures and demensions you gave.  
Designed as a crankup guyed tower.  Weighs 295 lbs, 54 ft extended and 20ft 8 
 retracted.  Should have 3 safety stops for each section to eliminate weight 
on raising cable when completly guyed.
I doubt if you'll find much in the way of engineering specs, inless someone 
out there has an old copy. Brochure say will support '" large multiple arrays 
of 10, 15, 20 meter 'HAM' beams whem properly guyed".

Hope this helps.
Skip, KJ6Y

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