[Towertalk] Newbie Question!!!
Roger Borowski
Thu, 16 Jan 2003 08:43:22 -0500
Jon, Top Quality Gin Pole kits can be obtained from www.w9iix.com for about
1/3 the $700 amount you quoted. I'd also be reluctant to recommend a roof
mount tower as most people don't install these with proper mounting know how
and reinforcement and also, more substantial, and the biggest reason, the
structure is suspect to severe damage from a potential lightning strike.
I've seen one house and one garage, both suffer severe fire damage from
lightning hits to roof tower systems over the years. A serious consideration
that should be mentioned when rooftop towers are suggested. Everything is a
trade-off of some kind. Rooftop towers may be less expensive than a ground
mounted tower, but there is no comparison where safety is concerned. I, for
one, do not care to jeopardize health and well being of myself, my family
and my home for some dollars and (questionably) somewhat less efforts. For
safety, grounding techniques aside, antennas and towers have no place being
attached to dwellings in any area where lightning is a possible
73, -=Rog-K9RB=-
----- Original Message -----
From: "Jon Ogden" <na9d@speakeasy.net>
To: <bltlawrence12@att.net>; <Towertalk@contesting.com>
Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 7:43 AM
Subject: Re: [Towertalk] Newbie Question!!!
> on 1/16/03 5:49 AM, bltlawrence12@att.net at bltlawrence12@att.net wrote:
> > I'm about to put up a 35 foot free standing tower(used). It base is 2ft
> > 2ft.
> > what would be the best way to put it up? I'm a newbie at this stuff.
> Hi Bill,
> What's your call sign?
> As a relative newbie to towers myself, a lot of the questions and answers
> are still in my mind.
> 1.) What are you planning on using the tower for?
> Thirty-five feet isn't a very tall tower. In fact, if you have a
> home, it's possibly not much higher than the roof. Many times, one can
> install a roof tower instead and get better height for a lot less cost.
> 2.) Have you considered all the costs invovled?
> Self standing towers need a LOT of concrete at the base. Have you
> considered that cost? If I remember correctly, a 35 foot tower is
> going to need something like a 3' x 3' x 6' base or something like that
> (might be 5' deep - I don't know what tower you are planning on). That's
> cubic yards of cement. Cement runs generally somewhere between $80 and
> per yard depending on where you are at in the country (perhaps a little
> cheaper) Add to that a rebar cage and the cost to dig the hole (either
> yourself of hiring someone). So the base is a lot of work and money. Not
> trying to scare you, but just trying to let you know what you are in for.
> Have you bought the tower or is it a freebie? If you have not yet
> the tower, I would recommend possibly a taller tower as another 10 or 15'
> won't cost that much more overall, but will be much better for you.
> Either way, be prepared to spend at LEAST an additional $1000 on top of
> you've already spent. This will include things like your cement, rebar,
> hardware, safety equipment, etc.
> 3.) Do you need a permit or zoning variance?
> This could be why you are at the 35' level. I know some towns have a
> like that. Roof towers, however, don't necessarily fall under such limits
> and you can get around it with a structure on your roof. But if you've
> looked into it and they are going to hold your feet to the fire at the 35'
> level, I guess you don't have a lot of choice.
> If you haven't looked into the municipal implications of your tower, you
> want to do so. Talk to some other hams in your area. You may be able to
> put the tower up w/o a permit, but at least you'll know what your town or
> village thinks.
> 4.) Do you have the hardware needed for working on a tower?
> You need things like a safety harness, hardhats for the ground crew, life
> lines, pulleys, etc.
> ----------
> Now to actually put up a tower, it depends on the style. Some towers have
> hinged base with a crank. Others are fixed. If yours is a fixed base you
> would do the roughly the following steps:
> 1.) Set the concrete and the tower base. Let cure for perhaps 5 days to a
> week.
> 2.) Attach the first section of the tower.
> 3.) Climb the tower (USING SAFETY GEAR) with a gin pole and attach the gin
> pole to the tower. Hoist up the next section via the gin pole and attach
> it. You will need people on the ground to hoist the section up to you and
> whoever is working with you.
> 4.) Repeat step 3 until the tower is assembled.
> Are you familiar with what a gin pole is? Do you have one or know where
> can get one? They are VERY expensive (about $700 minimum) if you are
> to put up a single tower. Again, some ham in your area probably has one.
> Talk to them and find out.
> What's your call sign?
> I would really recommend talking to and getting the advice of local hams
> have towers. They will be more than ready to help.
> Read up on tower assembly in ARRL handbooks, etc.
> Ask back here for more help too.
> 73,
> Jon
> NA9D
> -------------------------------------
> Jon Ogden
> NA9D (ex: KE9NA)
> Citizen of the People's Democratic Republik of Illinois
> Life Member: ARRL, NRA
> Member: AMSAT, DXCC
> http://www.qsl.net/na9d <- Updated on 1/12/03!!!
> "A life lived in fear is a life half lived."
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