[Towertalk] Automatic Rotor Control Question

Jon Ogden na9d at speakeasy.net
Thu Jan 23 07:06:11 EST 2003

Hey gang,

I am seriously considering some sort of automatic rotor control in the near
future.  I am interested in what people think of the different solutions out

My rotors are a Ham IV, a Ham-M and a Yaesu G-500A (elevation).

I'll admit that I've only investigated 2 solutions so far and both have
their ups and downs.

I've looked at the solution by Idiom Press (W9KNI) and the ARSWin solution.

 W9KNI's design works only with the 3 button CDE/Hy-Gain controllers.  It
does add some really nice additional functionality and some safety features
to help protect the rotor.

The ARSWin setup is nice in that it can control nearly any rotor regardless
of control box.  It doesn't give some of the extra features to the control
box that the W9KNI solution does, but it seems like a pretty decent product.

The ARSWin solution is about $30 cheaper and comes assembled.

So what is anyone out there using and what do they think of these or any



Jon Ogden
NA9D (ex: KE9NA)

Citizen of the People's Democratic Republik of Illinois

Life Member: ARRL, NRA
Member:  AMSAT, DXCC

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