[TowerTalk] TH6DX

GALE STEWARD k3nd at yahoo.com
Sun Jan 26 10:24:57 EST 2003

I Agree with Phil! I have a 1965 vintage TH6 that's
still working great. I have refurbished the traps
several times and the hardware is now all stainless.
Other than that, it's the original antenna. If anyone
wants to get rid of their "old, worn out" TH6's, you
can send them to me!

73, Stew K3ND

--- Phil Duff <na4m at arrl.net> wrote:
> At 15:43 1/25/2003 -0500, K7LXC at aol.com wrote:
> >     If you're thinking about buying a used TH6,
> it'd better be in good
> >condition and real cheap - any TH6 is long in the
> tooth and near the end of
> >it's service life.
> I disagree that any TH6 is "near end of service
> life".    It depends on the 
> condition of the individual beam.
> I have 2 TH7's.  One started as a TH6 I purchased
> new in 1971. I converted 
> it to a TH7. It shows no signs of being near "end of
> service life" - 
> whatever that is.   They may need to have the trap
> caps and driven element 
> insulators replaced every decade or so but the rest
> is just fine.
> I've often ponder replacing my TH7's but find it
> difficult to justify the 
> large expense of the newer generation of beams for
> the possible small 
> incremental gain in performance.
> 73 Phil NA4M
> -. .- ....- --   -. .- ....- --   -. .- ....- --  
> -. .- ....- --   -. .- 
> ....- --
> Phil Duff NA4M     na4m at arrl.net   Georgetown, Texas
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