[TowerTalk] Tram Hardware for Installing Wire Antennas

Doug Faunt N6TQS +1-510-655-8604 faunt at panix.com
Wed Jan 29 13:28:23 EST 2003

There are situations where a trolley like this would be useful, and
there really are people who are that ignorant of rigging.  I think
it's worth a 1/2 page Hints and Kinks article, myself.  Not everyone
knows that snatch blocks are readily available, and what to do with

73, doug

   From: BobK8IA at aol.com
   Date: Wed, 29 Jan 2003 13:05:34 EST

   In a message dated 1/29/2003 8:26:19 AM US Mountain Standard Time, 
   k3nd at yahoo.com writes:

   > I ran across this small add in the Feb. 2003 QST. I
   > hadn't seen this hardware before or heard about it
   > previously on TT. I looks like a great way to get wire
   > antennas up and down on a guyed tower. Check it out
   > at:
   > http://www.goatsystem.com
   > 73, Stew  K3ND

   Let me see if I have this right. $100 device replaces a $2 pully and some 
   small diameter rope. Makes sense to me <sic>

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