[TowerTalk] Ideas , pics

Kenny kg5ks at arrl.net
Mon Jul 7 19:17:04 EDT 2003

Go to this website http://www.nwpt.net/  .  I have a metal and pvc mast made
for wire antennas.  I need to guy it off at the top and I'm planning on
using a 135 ft inverted V fed with 450 ohm ladderline with ends at 15-20 ft
level.  I need a good antenna for 80-10m with tuner on inside of the house.
Any other types of antenna ideas to use are greatly welcomed .  Any and all
suggestions are greatly welcomed.  Send email to kg5ks at arrl.net or
kg5ks at yahoo.com  .

I have two pulleys on the T-BAR to have two different wire antennas, they
should be around 4 ft apart.

Thank You



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