[TowerTalk] Crankup Towers "made in Portugal"

Jose E. Ribeiro Sa ct1eeb at mail.telepac.pt
Sun Jul 13 10:49:16 EDT 2003

By the way speaking about crankup towers,
theres a company in Portugal that builds them
state of the art, the company name is "MetalFaj"
and among many other things they are specialists
in Towers for HAM-Radios.

I bought one of the first towers they have ever buildt for HAM-Radio,
its a 25m. crankup tower and it costed me back then almost 2000 Euros
(that including the elevations motor and demutiplication gear).
Have a look at http://www.qsl.net/ct1eeb ,  the tower is the one on the
left in the photo.

Get in touch with REP (rep at rep.pt) or ask Lopes CT1CJJ
(ct1cjj at mail.telepac.pt) for further


Jose  CT1EEB

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