[TowerTalk] Balanced Line using Coax ?

Jim White, K4OJ k4oj at tampabay.rr.com
Wed Jul 30 12:42:58 EDT 2003

I am wondering what the impedance would be if two RG8X coax cables are 
right alongside each other... this would be easy to fabricate... either 
some tape or heat shrink every few feet would make a clean/neat 
bundle..with a tuner is it really that important what that impedance 
is...will losses be greater, the tuner get hotter (?) if you deviate 
from the tuners design impedance???

Again my interest is in minimizing pickup of local bc rf at 160 
meters... shielding these conductors, tying the outer shields together 
at the top end and grounding them down below sounds like a plan...


Chris BONDE wrote:
> Date sent:      	Tue, 29 Jul 2003 10:40:01 -0400
> From:           	David Jordan <wa3gin at erols.com>
> To:             	k1ttt at arrl.net
> Subject:        	Re: [TowerTalk] Balanced Line using Coax ?
> Copies to:      	towertalk at contesting.com
>>Hi Boys,
>>Anyone of you actually used coax in this configuration?  I have.  Fed a 
>>40m loop, tri-band Quad,  mono-band beam and 160m dipole.  
>>The loops were fed with the shields tied together at the antenna but not 
>>connected.  At the tuner side the shields were tied together and 
>>connected to ground.
> What is really meant by, '.. tied together ...  but not connected...  '?
> Also, if you twin lead is, say 600 ohm 6in apart do the centres of the coax have to 
> be 6 inches apart ?
> Chris opr VE7HCB
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