[TowerTalk] Re: Crimper for LMR 400 ???

Bob Smith na6t at na6t.com
Sat Jun 7 11:58:09 EDT 2003

Hi Art,

I'll probably get a whole lot of flak about mentioning businesses and 
names, but oh well
I install 8-10 Times MW LMR-400 connectors a day. I've been using the Times 
Tools for about
2 years, there great.

You need three tools:
1.  cable shield stripper : ST400-EZ
2.  Center connector Trimmer: 0-20
3.  Crimping Tool: Times CT300-400

The first tool removes the outer PVC shield from the LMR-400.  The Second 
tool trims the
center conductor so it will fit into the "N" connector center pin.  The 
third crimps the whole
connector together. I've ONLY used the TIMES connectors, the quality 
control is good, but
they aren't cheap in price either, but none of them are, they are between 
$8-$12 each.

I got my tools from Electro-comm in colorado http://www.electro-comm.com/. 
The tools
aren't cheap,  they were about $100.00 total ,, I think?  I don't work from 
them, etc.
it's just a supplier that I do alot of business with for LMR and TIMES crip 
They will ship daily by 3:00 mt, ship overnite if need be, and the people
are real easy to deal with , easy to ask help on a project and just 
generally great.

Hope this helps

Bob Smith
Robert Smith Consulting
"Wireless Installations -- Businesses & ISP's"
F.C.C. Licensed-Commerical & Amateur Services
ARRL Life Member
Fort Bragg, California   95437

"On The Air-Conditioned Mendocino Coast, In REAL Northern California"
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Message: 5

I am looking for recommendations on a crimper for installing connector on LMR
400, summer has arrived here in the northwest and I need to do a bunch of
antenna work.  What I am looking is a good easy to use crimper, price is not as
important as something that will do a good job.  So what are you guys and gals
using. Also where did you buy it.



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