[TowerTalk] LP VS YAGI

Bob Nielsen nielsen at oz.net
Mon Jun 23 17:44:15 EDT 2003

I'd be very surprised if it didn't beat the LP.  In a log-periodic
dipole array, the elements closest to one-half wavelength radiate most
of the energy, which limits the gain to around 6-6.5 dBd maximum
(depending on the alpha and tau values in the design), which is about
what a 3 element yagi will do.  

Of course, outside the fairly narrow bandwidth of the monoband yagi, I
suspect the LPDA would be the better performer by a substantial margin.

Bob, N7XY

On Mon, Jun 23, 2003 at 03:11:24PM -0700, AA6DX wrote:
> Well .. just FYI .. my Mosely 5 el 20M monobander (46' Boom) would kick the
> britches off of a brand new Sabre Log Periodic .. same power, approximately
> same antenna height .. located about 3 miles apart.  The Sabre was at Fort
> Wainwright, Alaska, at the com center. The Mosely was at my home, in North
> Pole....I installed both aerials!  Multiple tests .. the LP   N E V E R
> came out on top.   73, Mark   AA6DX
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "on4kj" <on4kj at skynet.be>
> To: "Lee Buller" <k0wa at swbell.net>; "TowerTalk" <towertalk at contesting.com>
> Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 2:36 PM
> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Log periodic vs Steppir
> > Antenna  other then those for a fixed frequency ( such as used in VHF and
> > UHF ) are always a compromise.
> > LP brings a lot more of metal on the towers , so think it over. There is
> not
> > that much gain difference between  LP and classic beams. Stepper  technics
> > is a better aproach to the fixed freq antenna, and will be ideal ( I
> > suppose ) the day they can adjust the distances between the elements and
> the
> > element lenghts as well.
> > My two Euro cent vision .
> >
> > Jos on4kj

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