[TowerTalk] Pictures of modest tower + hf beam needed!

Dick Pechie kb1h at myeastern.com
Mon Jun 23 15:55:59 EDT 2003

Better yet, do what the local amateurs do around here. They bring their XYL
over here to see my 4 towers and two 4-squares and say, "See, what I want is
not nearly as bad as it could be!" It usually works!

Dick - KB1H

Visit  "The Barnstormers Contest Group - NZ1U"
website http://www.qsl.net/kb1h/

Email: KB1H at arrl.net    YCCC--------> http://www.yccc.org/

KB1H DXSpider Node ---------> dxc.kb1h.com port 7300
----- Original Message -----
From: Jaap de Jonge <pa8dx at amsat.org>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 2:29 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Pictures of modest tower + hf beam needed!

> Hi all,
> Need a favor: I'm about to convince my XYL that a modest tower with HF
> beam isn't all that ugly. She's inclined to give in to my want, but
> she'd like to get an impression of what the final result would look
> like. Therefore I'm looking for pictures of a modest tower (45 feet / 15
> meters high) carrying only one HF tribander (3/4/5 element). Tower
> preferably attached to the side of the house, or free standing, but
> close to the house. My house is moderate in size, two stories tall.
> Picture taken from some distance, showing a good overview, with all the
> dimensions in the right perspective and not too much focus on the tower
> is preferred. Please e-mail picture or send me a link and help me
> persuade my wife!
> 73,
> Jaap PA8DX
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