[TowerTalk] Edible cable jackets
j.a.hermans at skynet.be
Tue Jun 24 00:51:40 EDT 2003
----- Original Message -----
From: <TexasRF at aol.com>
To: <ccc at space.mit.edu>; <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, June 23, 2003 10:34 PM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Edible cable jackets
> I assumed it was a smell/taste thing because the danged critters only go
> new cable(s) while ignoring old existing cables on the same bundle. Last
> when installing some optical encoders on the EME systems the new 6 cond
> cable was chewed in half three nights in a row while the old cables were
> untouched. Each night I left a "snack" for them in the form of a full box
of D-con
> Rat Poison. After the third box the cable was not damaged and has been ok
> since. Like everything else in Texas the rats must be really large!
Seems like .... The biggest ones prefer gasoil... is that truth ?
Jos on4kj
> In addition to the data cable I had the same problem with 8X coax used for
> 12vdc preamp feeds a few years ago.
> 73 de K5GW
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