[TowerTalk] Using plywood forms...??

kk9a at arrl.net kk9a at arrl.net
Mon Jun 30 13:48:46 EDT 2003

I have used plywood forms for most of my guy anchors and this worked out
pretty well.  The forms made it easy to calculate concrete usage.  Make sure
that your forms are strong and well braced and that the ready-mix driver
isn't overly aggressive when pouring.  I poured 9 anchors this way and one
started to open during the pour.  Fortunately I was able to patch it before
the concrete set.  I removed all of the forms after it set and I filled in
the area with dirt using my John Deere lawn tractor front end loader.  I
didn't do anything special to pack the dirt, but it was 1/2 year or more
before I actually used these and by then the ground seemed to have settled.


----- Original Message -----
From: "Rich Hallman - N7TR" <rich at n7tr.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 19:11
Subject: [TowerTalk] Using plywood forms...??

I'm installing several Trylon T400-80's.  I noticed that you can use plywood
forms for those times when your backhoe guy gets carried away with the hole

If I use a form for one end of my oversized base.....Do you remove the
plywood, then backfill.....Or backfill with the plywood in place?




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