[TowerTalk] Speaking of Vertical

Chris BONDE ve7hcb at rac.ca
Wed Mar 5 11:16:09 EST 2003

I sure would like to see the answers to this.  I think that the tree might 
add more problems depending upon whether it was wet or dry, whether you 
slopped away or towards.  I think that you could go away out.  Look at 
sloppers from a tower.

Chris opr VE7HCB

At 11:35 AM 2003-03-05 -0500, you wrote:
>The "how vertical is vertical" question raises another question. If I put 
>up a wire vertical, how vertical does it have to be? In-other-words, I 
>have a tree that is 50 feet high, or even 60 feet high, how much can I 
>"lean" the vertical wire and get the same results as a "true" vertical wire??
>73 Bill
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