[TowerTalk] End fed vertical HELP PLEASE.

Chris BONDE ve7hcb at rac.ca
Tue Mar 18 10:31:58 EST 2003

I have been told that some of the 'end-fed' 1/2 wave dipoles are actually 
centre fed. That is the coax goes in one end but is 'inside the bottom 
radiator' then contacts the centre at the centre.  Check to see if that is 
the case.

Chris opr VE7HCB

At 12:49 PM 2003-03-18 +0000, Robert Thain wrote:
>Hello (again),
>I've received just one or 2 replies on my original
>mail, (thanks for those).
>How do those end fed 1/2 wave "CB" verticals work,
>with no ground ?
>The closest I have found is a J-pole, which is close
>but not what I'm looking for.
>To end feed a 1/2 wave it has to be a high voltage
>feed and not the traditional current feed.
>I remember from a long time back that these antennas
>had a little air spaced coil at the feed point and no
>ground radials etc.
>Help please,
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