[TowerTalk] HDR-300 Rebuild

VA3MW - Port Credit va3mw at portcredit.net
Sun May 4 16:19:24 EDT 2003


I'm rebuilding a HDR-300 that I got as a basket case.  Unfortunately, I've never seen one totally together and I have some questions.

I'm pretty sure that I'm missing the ring on the output shaft that bears all the load of the mast (so to speak--this is the job the thrust bearing should be doing).  Is there anything special about this keeper ring on the output shaft.  From what I can tell, this ring is just about the flat bearing.

Also, I'm open to recommendations on what else I should be doing why I have this all over the bench.  

Who ever took this apart, also removed the nylon gear for the pot and the arm for the limit switch.  I'm pretty I can get this reinstalled with little or no effort.

Lastly, there seems to be a short shaft missing from the bottom of the Pot to the casting.  There was no sign of this part, and Hy-Gain doesn't show it in their exploded diagrams.  Is this required?

Many thanks in advance...

Mike VA3MW

DX Cluster telnet://va3mw.homeip.net:41112 

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