[TowerTalk] Gap Titan question

Tue May 6 16:10:32 EDT 2003

I don't think you will see much of a difference between the antennas you
You may want to consider using a second antenna for receive only. In the
ARRL Antenna Handbooks you will find many articles on such antennas. The
first that comes to mind is a simple small loop made out of coax.

Rich AA2MF

----- Original Message ----- 
From: <Dinsterdog at aol.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Tuesday, May 06, 2003 1:31 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Gap Titan question

> Has anyone had any success with the Titan 10-80 meter 1/2 wave center fed
> multiband antenna as it relates to being a "quieter antenna" for the low
> bands vs other typical multiband verticals such as Hustler's and/or
> Butternuts?  I live in a urban area  with S6-9 noise from ambient sources
> 40 and 80M and wonder if this antenna will significantly improve the
> situation.  All tests point to over-all city dwelling RF noise vs any
> direct source with an easy fix.  Eham ratings are decent on this antenna
> performance but not sure if it really is better for hearing in this
> urban area-  Any comments appreciated-
> 73  Paul  N0AH
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