[TowerTalk] Tower ready!
ab2kc at optonline.net
Mon May 19 21:39:05 EDT 2003
Now get out there and plow the land and fix that rickety barn! Good luck!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Tonno Vahk" <tonno.vahk at mail.ee>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Monday, May 19, 2003 2:55 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Tower ready!
> I am extremely happy to let you guys know that I have completed the
> of my 45 meters high rotating tower.
> It has been a huge project for me. You can see the first pictures at:
> http://www.lhv.ee/images/files/es5tv.htm
> It carries 2 times 3 elements 40m stack at 42 and 22 meters heights
> and 4 tribanders stacked at 45, 36, 27 and 18 meters. 40m beams are full
> size with 12 booms and tribanders have 10 elements at 7.6 meter booms. The
> configuration is carefully selected and modelled by me and I am convinced
> that the 9 meter stacking distance is perfect for the tribanders. It gives
> almost maximum results compared to stacking equal 3 element yagis with
> optimum spacing on 15 and 20 and 4 element yagis at 10m.
> I have not yet connected the tribanders to stack but 40m stack is 100%
> operational. I can switch upper-lower-both. I was expecting a good
> gain although the height of the antennas is not so great but the result
> surpassed my wildest hopes!
> The stack is constantly getting more than 10db better results from DX
> stations than upper antenna and lower antenna is the last. Incredible! You
> have to hear it to believe it! Even for EU stations stack seems to be the
> best usually. I am quite convinced I get much better performance from the
> stack than I could have from big 4 element yagi at top plus I can switch
> antennas. The pattern of the stack is also excellent. The real life tests
> show incredibly good F/R and F/S as computer models predicted. Often I can
> hear the local stations 59 to the back or side of both single antennas but
> they are gone to noise with stack!!
> I can't wait to see the stack effect of those 4 tribanders. Antennas are
> made by Finnish Antenna. I have rope fully in all elements. The upper
> of the guy wires are from nonconductive Dyneema rope to avoid any
> interference. Models show that there is no bad interference to tribanders
> (especially to 15m) from 40m Yagis. The whole tower makes a full turn with
> minute and 40 seconds. Upper tribander is at a 3.5 meter long mast of 80cm
> diam tube.
> I will give the 40m stack the first real test in WPX CW 40m monoband
> this weekend. I hope to hear you all!
> 73 for now
> tonno
> es5tv
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