[TowerTalk] Re: linear loading

corneliuspaul at gmx.net corneliuspaul at gmx.net
Wed Nov 5 18:01:05 EST 2003

N6RK wrote

>>  Linear loading is a marketing concept to make you think
>>you have eliminated the ohmic losses associated with loading 
>>coils.  Instead, it *increases* the losses.  

K3BU wrote:

>Amen and Ditto!
> [...]
>ON4UN's Low Band DXing has it right.

I fully understand why TOP LOADING (where there is very little current)
accounts for much less ohmic losses

But ON4UN also recommends linear loading AT THE BASE of a vertical
to be BETTER (less ohmic loss) than a loading coil at the base...?

Isnt that to the contrary of what you 2 wrote?

73 Con DF4SA

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