[TowerTalk] Re: 40m beam with wires dangling down

gdaught6 at Stanford.edu gdaught6 at Stanford.edu
Wed Nov 5 11:26:40 EST 2003

Hi all,

> I had a 3ele of that sort up for a few years, made of 14m fiberglas elements,
> (7m either side) with approx 3.5m wire dangling down either side.
> Worked very well, only in windy situation the dangling wires start swinging
> and so does the SWR and (I presume) the pattern.

> At 10:15 05.11.2003 -0500, WA3GIN wrote:
> >One could argue that bending the element 90 degrees does not have the 
> >effects you discibe as linear loading.

> >>>Folding the element does little to reduce the performance. It looks 
> >>>hokie, but it's simple, light weight, more efficient than lumped 
> >>>inductance. The wires have to clear whats underneath but it's a 

I can't visualize how this works.  On an aluminum antenna, sure.  But how does 
hanging a wire on the end of the fiberglas tubes of a steppir do much of anything?  If 
you can get electrical contact to the tape inside, ok.  

Can someone help me with what I'm (obviously) missing?


George T. Daughters, K6GT

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