[TowerTalk] 40 Meter Vertical Construction
Paul Playford
w8aef at worldnet.att.net
Sat Nov 8 19:00:02 EST 2003
I started with 1 1/4" od and stepped down from there on my 40m 4 square.
The feed point is 10 feet above the ground with elevated radials and each
element is guyed 3 ways at the middle. Lots of room for the birds to roost.
It's been up at this QTH for 6 years.
When I had this antenna at a previous QTH with buried radials I clamped the
elements at each 6" overlap. But the clamps did not hold so now each
overlap is rivited (2 ea 3/16" rivets each splice). And I was not happy
with the buried radials - antenna didn't work as expected.
4 squares do work - with elevated radials, that is.
de Paul, W8AEF
----- Original Message -----
From: Macie, Gordon <GMacie at innotrac.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, November 07, 2003 10:17 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] 40 Meter Vertical Construction
> I am building a 40 meter 4-square. I have decided to build it with
> from Texas Towers. The bottom section will be 1.625 and reduce 1/8 per
> section above that with the top peice being .875. How much do I need to
> overlap or telescope into each section for mechanical strength ??.. I am
> thinking 6 to 12 inches.
> Blurb below from Texas Towers web site.
> 6063-T832 Drawn Aluminum Tubing
> Typical yield strength of 40,000 psi. The chart shows all available
> telescoping sizes which are specifically designed to fit together
> making antenna construction easy, while offering professional results.
> Gordon N4LR
> n4lr at arrl.net
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