[TowerTalk] Non-metallic towers and guy wires

Daly, Greg TQO gdaly at tqs.com
Thu Nov 13 08:07:31 EST 2003

In the now days, trees grow tall and straight.... Large Douglas Fir trees
are cut every day in Oregon to make very high quality utility poles, that
last for many years..... we would be glad to sell you all you want... we'll
grow more... if you like, we'll even soak it in creosote for you.... and if
you just got to have guys, there's always hemp, for high quality rope....
our other big cash crop ;-)


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Red [SMTP:RedHaines at centurytel.net]
> Sent:	Thursday, November 13, 2003 6:51 AM
> To:	Towertalk
> Subject:	Re: [TowerTalk] Non-metallic towers and guy wires
> In days of old, when trees grew tall and straight, many towers and other 
> structures were built of wood.
> Utility poles are good for some purposes.  The station, Desert Voices, 
> near Farmington, MN, built and operated to support MARS during Desert 
> Storm, had stacked rhombics on 90 foot poles loaned and erected by a 
> local utility company.
> 73 de WOØW
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