[TowerTalk] Interaction between 2 Inverted Els

Jerry Keller k3bz at arrl.net
Mon Oct 6 19:21:41 EDT 2003

I'm helping a friend put up an inverted L for 80 using a tall straight tree as a support, with the vertical element going up about 6 inches from the tree trunk, and the horizontal element going out to the west.  The radials would go out from a grounding ring about 4 feet in diameter arranged around the base of the tree. 
Question: could another inverted L ... say for 160M ... be put up in similar fashion on the other side of the tree, using the same radial system?  The 160M vertical element would be about the same height as the 80M, but oif course the 160M horizontal element would be much longer, and in an easterly direction. Would this be feasible? Would the two antennas adversely interact? Any other problems?  Jerry K3BZ

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