[BULK] - [TowerTalk] Interaction between 2 Inverted Els
Steve Katz
stevek at jmr.com
Tue Oct 7 08:46:38 EDT 2003
Hi Wes,
This surely depends on the inverted-L vertical-to-horizontal length ratio
more than anything else. I usually go 165' overall, with 40' vertical and
125' horizontal, installed over a lot of radials at the feedpoint, and
usually use a tree limb w/rope to support the vertical part. Works pretty
well on both 160 and 80, compared with dipoles, inverted vees and
prefabricated verticals (Butternut, etc), but I've had nothing else to
compare to! Probably a dipole up 100' would work better, but I don't have
any way to get one up that high.... -WB2WIK/6
"Success is the ability to go from failure to failure with no loss of
enthusiasm." -Winston Churchill
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Wes Attaway (N5WA) [SMTP:wes at attawayinterests.com]
> Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 3:32 PM
> To: Steve Katz; 'Jerry Keller'; (Reflector) TowerTalk
> Subject: RE: [BULK] - [TowerTalk] Interaction between 2 Inverted Els
> I haven't modeled a 160M Inverted L in a long time, but my recollection is
> that when you use one on the higher bands the radiation pattern is a lot
> different than what you might expect. I'm not saying it won't work on the
> higher bands, but I don't believe you will get a lot of the low-angle
> radiation that you would normally want for DX purposes.
> -----Original Message-----
> From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
> [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com]On Behalf Of Steve Katz
> Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 5:09 PM
> To: 'Jerry Keller'; (Reflector) TowerTalk
> Subject: RE: [BULK] - [TowerTalk] Interaction between 2 Inverted Els
> Why would you want *another* inverted-L? Make the first one bigger, and
> use
> it on both bands. Obviously, avoid 1/2WL or 1WL or 1.5WL or any integer
> of
> 1/2WL -- too hard to match. The classic 160m inverted-L is 165' long, or
> ~3/8WL on 1.8 MHz, and works splendidly as a 3/4WL on 80. Can't see the
> advantage of having two inverted-Ls......-WB2WIK/6
> "Success is the ability to go from failure to failure with no loss of
> enthusiasm." -Winston Churchill
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: Jerry Keller [SMTP:k3bz at arrl.net]
> > Sent: Monday, October 06, 2003 3:22 PM
> > To: (Reflector) TowerTalk
> > Subject: [BULK] - [TowerTalk] Interaction between 2 Inverted Els
> >
> > I'm helping a friend put up an inverted L for 80 using a tall straight
> > tree as a support, with the vertical element going up about 6 inches
> from
> > the tree trunk, and the horizontal element going out to the west. The
> > radials would go out from a grounding ring about 4 feet in diameter
> > arranged around the base of the tree.
> > Question: could another inverted L ... say for 160M ... be put up in
> > similar fashion on the other side of the tree, using the same radial
> > system? The 160M vertical element would be about the same height as the
> > 80M, but oif course the 160M horizontal element would be much longer,
> and
> > in an easterly direction. Would this be feasible? Would the two antennas
> > adversely interact? Any other problems? Jerry K3BZ
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