[TowerTalk] AlfaSpid vs Ham IV rotator + control unit

Richard Karlquist richard at karlquist.com
Tue Oct 21 08:53:54 EDT 2003

> I'm a believer too and just put up a Spid at 120 ft turning a KLM 3 el
> 40M yagi (32 ft boom, 42 ft elements, about 75 lbs.)  The specs speak
> for themselves.  The only other alternative (a worm gear rotator was
> decided upon at the start) is a Prositel with twice the specs but more
> than twice the price.  I'll the reflector know how it fairs this coming
> winter in Chicago.  Phil  KB9CRY

I just put up an Alfa Spid to turn my 4 element SteppIR (32 ft boom, 85
It's wonderful.  It does everything they say it does on the web site.  My
favorite features:

1.  No kerchunking noise from the brake everytime I turn it.

2.  Compact digital controller with built in computer interface.
I love the way you can click it 1 degree at a time.

3.  If the beam slips on the mast, I can electronically reset North.

4.  Only 4 wires for the control cable.  I used some Carol "sound and
wire I bought at Home Depot.  Long cable runs are a non issue.
No need to remote the capacitor.

5.  Better clamping to mast, instead of U-bolts deforming a clamping piece.

6.  No pot to wear out, no limit switches to fail, no brake to stick.

Well worth the money IMHO.

Rick N6RK

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