[TowerTalk] Leveling a Trylon Base?

Dave N0RQ n0rq-1 at dfwair.net
Sun Oct 26 03:14:47 EST 2003

I could never quite figure a good way to plumb-bob the thing,
though I'm sure it could be done.

For mine, I used a good 4' level, held it across the 3 faces
(one at a time, of course ;-), resting on the bolts, and adjusted
with thin steel or aluminum plates under the legs as needed.

Dave N0RQ

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Rich Hallman - N7TR" <rich at n7tr.com>
To: "Tower Talk" <TOWERTALK at contesting.com>
Sent: Saturday, October 25, 2003 6:48 PM
Subject: [TowerTalk] Leveling a Trylon Base?

Almost ready to pour bases for two T-400 80 Ft Trylons....

What is the best way to level the base section since the legs taper


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N7TR DX-Cluster


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