[TowerTalk] Top of 45G Tower- Stress

hdmc38 at bellsouth.net hdmc38 at bellsouth.net
Sun Oct 26 18:05:02 EST 2003

    I have a 45AG top section and the rotor shelf is 5' from the top of the tower.You just have to play with the shelf to fit it in tower.The top of the tower has a TB-3 thrust bearing.Halfway between is another shelf that has a second TB-3 thrust bearing.This enables the rotor to be removed if needed.The mast is 2" and is 5' above the top of the tower.The antenna is a Force 12 
C3S/HH.It is the only one on the tower.As others have said thats alot of Sq. feet.So do the math.Hope this helps.

               Joe KG4VBR
> From: "Jim W7RY" <w7ry at centurytel.net>
> Date: 2003/10/25 Sat PM 10:56:51 EDT
> To: <TowerTalk at contesting.com>
> Subject: [TowerTalk] Top of 45G Tower- Stress
> I'm in the process of installing my 70' Rohn 45 tower. I'm looking at where the rotator is placed in reference to the top of the tower. I'm using a 21 ½ foot mast (1/4 wall chrome molly etc). I'm using a Rohn 45AG4 top section with a heavy duty thrust bearing on the top of the tower. I will be using a Orion OR-2800 rotator.
> The lowest that I can get the rotator plate in the tower is 3 feet below the top of the tower.
> I will be putting a 2 element 40 on the top of the mast and a TH7 just above the thrust bearing. I want to keep as much spacing between the 2 antennas as possible. I estimate about 14 feet between the 2 antennas with the boom support of the 2EL 40 at the very top of the mast.
> How much stress will this put on the top of the tower? How about on the rotator? Too much? What about changing the rotator? The sort end of that mast could get a little unruly!
> Opinions please...
> Thanks and 73!
> Jim W7RY
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