[TowerTalk] Freq. Counter Recommendations

Roger D Johnson n1rj at pivot.net
Sun Oct 26 18:14:27 EST 2003

Cliff Bond wrote:

> Greetings to all...
> I am shopping for a "knock-about" frequency counter.  Requirements are: (1)
> battery operated, (2) portable,  (3) coverage to at least 1.0 gHz, and (4)
> affordable.
> So far the MFJ-888 seems like a good choice based on the specs.  Any
> comments pro and con regarding the 888 or suggestions for other units to
> consider would be most-appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Cliff
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There are a couple from a company named ACECO on eBay in the test
equipment section for $99. They are also available from:


B&K also has a couple:


And of course there's Optoelectronics:


73, Roger

Remember the USS Liberty (AGTR-5)

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