Fwd: Re: [TowerTalk] N connectors

Jim Rhodes k0xu at iowadsl.net
Tue Sep 9 12:44:35 EDT 2003

Ok, Strike #1 off of your list if you use these. They are no more weather 
proof than a UHF connector. Also, has anybody tested these to see what the 
impedance really is? Not that I haven't used them for jumpers in the shack. 
But I really wouldn't consider them that much superior to a UHF connector 
except for impedance (and like I said I wouldn't swear to that without 

At 02:03 AM 9/9/03, Dino Darling wrote:
>I finally found a picture of the ANDROS N Connector....
>>Date: Mon, 08 Sep 2003 23:52:40 -0700
>>To: towertalk at contesting.com
>>From: Dino Darling <k6rix at arrl.net>
>>Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] N connectors
>>There sure is a lot of speculation out here when it comes to 
>>N-Connectors!  Its almost embarrassing!
>>N-Connectors are SUPERIOR to the UHF connector for many reasons...
>>1- Weather proof
>>2- Constant impedance to 11 Ghz
>>3- Constant impedance.
>>4- Able to withstand HIGHER voltages!  (1500 volts peak)
>>UHF connectors are inferior...
>>1- They are NOT weather proof!
>>2- Only good to about 300Mhz.
>>3- Not constant impedance
>>4- Can't take as high of a voltage like the N can! (500 volts peak)
>>Ham Radio Outlet in Anaheim and Burbank sells an N-Connector that mounts 
>>like a PL-259 and employs a captured center pin.  Gold and silver!  They 
>>are not cheap, but worth every penny!  714-533-7373 (Anaheim)  These 
>>connectors are made by Andros Mfg out of New York... 
>>At 07:31 AM 09/05/2003 -0600, you wrote:
>>>Hi All,
>>>I was told that "N" connectors fail at full legal power levels.
>>>Is this true? What is your experience?
>>>73! Vitaly (VE6JO)
>>>See: http://www.mscomputer.com for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless 
>>>Weather Stations", and lot's more.  Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with 
>>>any questions and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.
>>>TowerTalk mailing list
>>>TowerTalk at contesting.com
>>Dino...k6rix at arrl.net
>Dino...k6rix at arrl.net
>See: http://www.mscomputer.com  for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless 
>Weather Stations", and lot's more.  Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with 
>any questions and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.
>TowerTalk mailing list
>TowerTalk at contesting.com

Jim Rhodes K0XU
jim at rhodesend.net

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