[TowerTalk] Gain Is a Function of Boom Length - True and Not True

Jim Wilcox jim.wil at cox.net
Wed Sep 10 13:50:44 EDT 2003

See--someone COULD effectively rebut the original post in a non-attacking
and civil way.

Oh, if only we all (including me) could/would do this.

Thanks, Ward.

73 to all--

Jim, W3WV

Jim Wilcox

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Ward Silver" <hwardsil at centurytel.net>
To: "Towertalk Reflector" <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Wednesday, 10 September, 2003 12:19
Subject: [TowerTalk] Gain Is a Function of Boom Length - True and Not True

It is true that in the absence of other factors, maximum gain is a function
of boom length.  However, in a multi-band antenna, secondary factors
strongly affect how much gain can actually be realized in the final product,
such as mechanical limitations, element interaction, feed efficiency, tuning
networks (i.e. - traps), impedance matching gadgetry, etc.  Some designs
work better than others not because they have discovered news laws of
physics, but because they account for these secondary factors better.  And
that was the point of the tribander tests (and the vertical tests) - to
compare the implementations.

Are the tests "scientific"?  In the sense of making absolute measurements of
all parameters in a fashion traceable to NIST references, no.  This is
unreasonable to expect within the resources of the amateur community.  In
the sense of presenting the test protocol, the test data, and all data
processing methodology, yes, the report is scientific.  Others may present
criticism (and have done so) and are encouraged to attempt to disprove or
replicate any of our conclusions.  The reports are the better for those

73, Ward N0AX

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