[Fwd: Re: [TowerTalk] Gotham etc. nostalgia]
Don Havlicek
n8de at thepoint.net
Wed Sep 24 10:57:29 EDT 2003
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Gotham etc. nostalgia
Date: Wed, 24 Sep 2003 09:56:09 -0500
From: Don Havlicek <n8de at thepoint.net>
Reply-To: n8de at thepoint.net
Organization: Tower Hill
To: David Greer <davidgreer73 at yahoo.com>
References: <20030924141059.45544.qmail at web41002.mail.yahoo.com>
The transceiver manufactured by Panasonic [National Radio of Japan], was
the 'NCG 10-160M', also marketed in Japan as the 'National RJX-810D'.
I have five of the NCG transceivers .. wonderful little boxes.
Not sure who manufactured the Hy-Gain transceivers.
David Greer wrote:
> Wasn't that Hy-Gain transceiver actually manufactured
> by Panasonic's parent firm in Japan? Their one and
> only entry into the U.S. amateur market?
> Dave, N4KZ
> --- AA6DX <aa6dx at pacbell.net> wrote:
>>Yep .. had the 2nd 3750 in the USofA ... with the
>>spkr, the remote vfo,
>>etc..... the remote vfo kinda transmitted on its
>>frequency while the main
>>did it on its ... caused a lot of pileup cops to
>>holler at me, until I
>>realized the problem. Made like 50K QSOs with it,
>>or so, until I went to
>>the next rig. .... You can see it in my pic in the
>>1981 ARRL Handbook, in
>>the example shown as a contest station setup.
>>Please ignore my hairdo, was
>>practicing sailing, for a dxpedition, and my hair
>>was "twisted" --- speaking
>>of that - dot dot dot
>>Also, had an early Gotham "TWIST" on 6M ... you
>>could set it up vertical,
>>horizontal, or "twist" --- Iffn I `member right, it
>>was 11 el... Hadda
>>Swan 250 hooked up to that, then went to a KLM big
>>timer.. more bettah!
>>AND then .. there was the W2AU Antenna Fuse ... the
>>2nd one that blew during
>>ARRL SSCW, in like 1974, during massive rainstorm
>>... was the end of that
>>"stuff" on the top of my tower! I was younger then,
>>and climbed it and
>>replaced .. the 40/80 droopy drawers dipole .. and
>>then, about 4 hours
>>later, did it again .. shooooot! Took the wiring
>>into the shack, made the
>>system into the dipoles I knew and loved for years,
>>put it up, and never had
>>a prob for the next 5 years. My 75/80M dipole here
>>has the same setup, NO
>>73, Y'all, Mark .. AA6DX
>>IN KALEEFORNEEEAHHH... (Votez oui, Votez non, MAI
>>----- Original Message -----
>>From: "Rob Atkinson, K5UJ" <k5uj at hotmail.com>
>>To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
>>Cc: <k5uj at hotmail.com>
>>Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 4:41 PM
>>Subject: [TowerTalk] Gotham etc. nostalgia
>>>K4OJ's mention of Gotham antennas last week caused
>>me to get out QSTs of
>>>roughly 25 and 50 years ago and go through them.
>>How many of you
>>>these ads:
>>>(25 years ago in Oct. 1978 QST)
>>>the CUBEX Skymaster Fiberglass Quad Kits. 2
>>element 3 band kit special
>>>$119.95 mailable APO. Contents 8 fiberglass arms
>>skyblue color, 2 end
>>>spiders, 1 boom/mast coupler, 16 wraplock spreader
>>arm clamps 1 CUBEX QUAD
>>>instruction manual (boom and wire not included)
>>>MK III 2 el complete pretuned quad only $169.95!
>>>Cubex Company PO Box 732, Altadena California
>>>You can't say "Quad" better than "Cubex."
>>>A lot of antenna in a little space. New slinky
>>dipole with helical
>>>radiates a good signal at 1/10 wavelength long!
>>80/75, 40 and 20 meters
>>>operates at any length from 24 to 70 feet. Small
>>enough to fit in attic
>>>apartment. Full legal power. Teletron Corp.
>>Suite 100 Box 84 Kings Park
>>>N.Y. 11754 $43.95 postpaid.
>>>Unique Wire Tuners: Improved Random Wire Antenna
>>Tuners. Runs cold at 1500
>>>watts output power.
>>>Prices FOB factory 3-30 MHz $109; 1.7 - 30 MHz
>>$139. W6's add state sales
>>>tax. Unique Products Co. 1003 S. Fircroft STreet,
>>West Covina Calif.
>>>[Does anyone remember Hy-Gain made a HF
>>>Globe Spanning Performance!
>>>HY-GAIN 3750 Amateur Transceiver
>>>...Spanning all amateur bands from 1.8 through
>>29.7 MHz, the 3750 utilizes
>>>advanced phase-lock-loop frequency circuitry to
>>lock the first local
>>>oscillator with the VFO, providing direct
>>injection into the first i-f at
>>>MHz that incorporates a narrow band SSB crystal
>>filter; this virtually
>>>eliminates receiver image and spurious response
>>problems...other features
>>>include a noise blanker, vox and sidetone
>>circuits, a computer memory that
>>>lets you store in your favorite frequency and
>>return later with a flick of
>>>switch, S2002 finals, and cooling fan. $1,995 FOB
>>>Cramped for space? Want DX?
>>>Then you want the antenna that's known around the
>>world for its small size
>>>and superior performance...The Multiband Hybrid
>>Quad for 6, 10, 15 and 20.
>>>Model HQ-1 $129.50. Wing span 11 ft. Boom 54
>>inches, wind area 1.5 sq
>>>1200 watts p.e.p. Mini-Products Inc., 1001 West
>>18th St., Erie, Pa.,
>>>[This was the one pictured with two elements, each
>>having little spikes
>>>coming off the ends at 90 deg. from the elements
>>and one el. having a kind
>>>of elongated diamond frame on it (which made it
>>appear "quad-like.")]
>>>Revolutionary Break-Thru in antenna design:
>>Kirk's brand new All
>>>Helicoidal Beams
>>>All fiberglass elements and boom. Copper tape
>>spirally wound elements
>>>coated with durathane. Element lengths 25% to 35%
>>shorter than metallic
>>>arrays. 3 el. 40 m. $589.50; 3 el. 20 m.
>>$249.94; 3 el. 15 m. $192.45; 3
>>>el. 10 m. $149.95.
>>>ARRL Antenna Book $5
>>>"Ham Headquarters U.S.A." Harrison Radio 301
>>Madison Ave. New York City.
>>>The BIG Signal, Unadilla W2AU Balun, $14.95.
>>>The inside front cover ad is devoted to the new
>>Tempo 2 meter synthesized
>>>hand-held: 800 Channels in the palm of your
>>hand--the Tempo S1 Syncom
>>>$349.00 It was amazing--if you could afford it.
>>The xtal controlled HTs
>>>got a lot cheaper in the following months and
>>>Tomorrow (if I have time) July 1952.
>>>Rob Atkinson
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>>>TowerTalk at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/towertalk
>>See: http://www.mscomputer.com for "Self Supporting
>>Towers", "Wireless Weather Stations", and lot's
>>more. Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with any
>>questions and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.
> === message truncated ===
> =====
> David Greer
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1-800-333-9041 with any questions and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.
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