[BULK] - [TowerTalk] antennas and buildings

Steve Katz stevek at jmr.com
Mon Sep 29 15:02:05 EDT 2003

Steve, I think you'll find this impossible to calculate because of all the

*	Operating frequency
*	Dielectric materials of the house and anything contained within the
wall nearest the antenna, e.g., water pipes, electric cables or conduits,
other wiring, and any insulation

Real, anecdotal experience is something I have plenty of, though, for this
kind of installation!

Experience: Get the vertical up over the roof if humanly possible.  Not only
works better (usually) but much less likely to couple into circuits in the
house which will create or receive RFI.  *Much* less likely.

I had a 6BTV (pretty common 80-10m Hustler vertical) alongside the house for
a little while.  With piles of radials under it, it worked pretty well, but
transmitting with any power above QRP created interference to telephones,
smoke detectors, intercoms....you name it.  Relocating the same antenna to a
short tower on the roof (G-M 9' 4-legged roof tower) and sloping 1/4-wave
radials (only 4 per band) down from the base of the vertical to the corners
of the roof completely cured 100% of all the RFI, and I can now run 1500W
with no ill effects.  

And, oh yes, the antenna works better up there, too.


"Success is the ability to go from failure to failure with no loss of
enthusiasm." -Winston Churchill

> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Stephen Reichlyn [SMTP:Stephen.Reichlyn at ryansci.com]
> Sent:	Monday, September 29, 2003 12:14 PM
> To:	towertalk at contesting.com
> Subject:	[BULK] - [TowerTalk] antennas and buildings
> I've done a quick search of the Internet and can find almost no
> information
> about the effect of mounting an antenna (vertical) in near proximity to a 
> two or three
> story house (wood). What degree of signal blocking takes place in the 
> direction of the house
> (if any?). Any info, real or anecdotal, would be appreciated.
> 73,
> Steve AA4V
> Stephen Reichlyn
> Ryan Scientific, Inc.
> 843-884-4911 ext 302
> 843-884-5568 (fax)
> www.ryansci.com
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