[TowerTalk] Rohn Torque Bar confusion

Don Havlicek n8de at thepoint.net
Tue Aug 3 16:47:03 EDT 2004

I may be incorrect, but I am under the impression that, when using 
'torque bars', the guy anchors are placed in a position that makes the 
tower face towards the anchor point.  This allows double guys from each 
anchor point to TWO torque bar 'ends'.
When NOT using them, the guy anchor points align WITH the "corners" of 
the tower.

David Robbins K1TTT wrote:
>>When you translate the plane triangle section in rotation in its
> plane,
>>twist or torque load, initally the guys cannot resist the lateral
>>displacement as the guy's line of action is perpendicular to theaction
>>direction of the load. As the triangular section twists additionally
> then
>>there is created an angle between the line of force and the guy line
> of
>>action which can develop a vector resistance to the movement of the
>>triangular section. This value of resistance is a function of the sine
> of
>>the angle created.  It wil start at 0 degrees at rest, sine of 0
> degrees
>>is 0.
>>This explains why the torsional resistance of the standard guying
> scheme
>>is so low and why if significant torsional forces are present in a
> tower
>>they twist.
>>In this case the farther away from the center the guy attachment point
> is
>>really doesn't help with the torsional strength the angle between the
> guy
>>and the line of force of the torque is what matters.
> but the farther away the attachment point is from the center of rotation
> the bigger the angle on the guy wire so the higher the resistance to the
> twist.  Granted at 0 there is no force so it won't help with very small
> movements but adding rigidly clamped arms that approximately double the
> radius of rotation should increase the resistance proportionally.  Also
> increasing the radius to where the reaction force is applied increases
> the length of the arm applying the force also increasing the reaction
> torque applied by the guy wires.
> David Robbins K1TTT
> e-mail: mailto:k1ttt at arrl.net
> web: http://www.k1ttt.net
> AR-Cluster node: 145.69MHz or telnet://dxc.k1ttt.net
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