[TowerTalk] Re: Grid dip meter and Yagi elements

Jim Idelson k1ir at designet.com
Tue Aug 3 18:43:48 EDT 2004

Hi Mark,

The difference between an antenna analyzer and a grid dip meter is primarily 
the input impedance. The low input impedance of the antenna analyzer makes it 
difficult to use in a loosely coupled manner. The high input impedance of the 
dipper allows easier coupling with a tuned a tuned circuit. Something like 
that, anyway...

MFJ sells an adapter for the 259B that allows it to be used as sort of a grid 
dipper, but I believe it has very limited capability.

You can often buy a grid dipper at a hamfest flea for very little money. They 
come with sets of coils for coupling to the DUT [device under test] over 
certain frequency ranges.

Someone smarter than me will provide a more accurate answer on the theory of 


Jim Idelson K1IR
email    k1ir at designet.com
web    http://www.designet.com/k1ir

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