[TowerTalk] Rohn Torque Bar confusion

KR9A at aol.com KR9A at aol.com
Sat Aug 7 01:28:54 EDT 2004

Some place in time, all of the tower assembly has to absorb shock. Over a 25 
year period, I can see that allowing slopp in the system, allowed everthing to 
survive...With rigidity, the rotator was usually first to go.
In a point to point system at gigs, I can see rigitity.
on HF with big monos, slopp  works best , as long as you are cognizant of all 
the inherant parameters in your particular  installation.

I have 6 towers, at 2 diifferent locations in the midwest , sometimes with 40 
foot booms, and i can tell you,the rotators always take the shock in a rigid 
installation(my observation alone).

Bill KR9A

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