[TowerTalk] Exothermic/Cadwelds one shots etc...

Chuck Lewis clewis at knology.net
Thu Aug 26 14:13:06 EDT 2004

My dilemma regarding cadwelds has to do with the fact that at my QTH there's
an impenetrable (and thick) sandstone layer 4-5 feet below the surface. I
have always had to drive rods at an angle in order to get all eight feet
buried. This seems to work well, and I would like to replace the compression
fittings with cadweld; but I'm stumped because it appears that the rod needs
to be plumb in order to keep the shot material in the mold. I suppose I
could REALLY bury the things, and use a rebar bender to turn the ends up so
they're vertical, but that's the only solution I have been able to come up

Any other suggestions from the group?

Chuck, N4NM

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