[TowerTalk] SteppIR 3-Element Beam

Lee Buller k0wa at swbell.net
Sun Aug 29 08:12:35 EDT 2004

Ladies and Gents,
I am just about to pull the trigger and buy a SteppIr 3-element beam.  I have read just about everything there is about this antenna, but I would like some direct feedback from users.  Yes, I have been on E-ham, but I would like to give you the freedom of saying something negative without having it posted all over the internet.  Could a couple of you send me what you think of this antenna (which seems to be very cool).  How does it perform on all bands?  The 10 meter part seems to be...well....smallish.  A general overview would be nice.
Please e-mail me direct.
Lee Buller - K0WA
k0wa at swbell.net

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