[TowerTalk] insurance claims

Dan Bookwalter n8dcj at yahoo.com
Wed Dec 29 13:35:59 EST 2004

K4XS Wrote
"The pool is covered by a Florida 
subsidized company that charges maxi rates and provide
mini service."

this can be a very serious problem... you really need
to talk to your insurance agent regarding frivoulous
claims agianst your homeowners insurance. it was
explained to me that in states where there is state
sponsored insurance (which doesnt cover much) you are
put into grades or pools and when you score to high
you are dropped. they can do this because of the state
sponsored insurance... my agent told me that in worst
case scenarios only about 5% of the homeowners wouldnt
be dropped.... so before you start claiming things on
your insurance you may want to think twice. Tom W8JI's
idea isnt bad... 

this all came up when i was hit by a F1 tornado that
did a bunch of damage to the house ... i was told that
if it hadnt been classified as a tornado that the
claim would have counted against me... thank god it
was rated as a tornado even though it was the smallest
class of tornado...

i seem to remember the insurance agent saying
something about North Carolina being a bad state to be
in for Homeowners insurance...

--- Cqtestk4xs at aol.com wrote:

> In a message dated 12/29/04 5:41:10 PM Greenwich
> Standard Time, 
> w8ji at contesting.com writes:
> When I have a small claim under a few thousand
> dollars, I
> just pay it. The savings in my policy premiums from
> having a
> high deductible help offset any payouts from my own
> pocket,
> so I basically stay even.
> In Florida, the main hazard we are concerned with is
> the hurricane and we 
> MUST maintain a big deductable. It is just about
> impossible to get lower than a 
> two to five percent deductible for hurricane
> insurance in Florida.  The 
> hurricane insurance is generally a separate
> insurance policy from the regular policy 
> and carries an extra premium.
> That two to five percent deductible can extend well
> into the five digit 
> range.  Now multiply that figure by three storms,
> which is what some people got hit 
> with down here.
> Lots of hams down here never did get to the
> threshold of the deductible and 
> just ate several thousand in tower damage, not by
> choice, but by the way 
> insurance is written down here.
> I sustained lots of damage to my antennas, from the
> storms, but did not claim 
> it, since you can bet you butt I would have been up
> for a cancellation and 
> thrown into the non-desirable pool.  The pool is
> covered by a Florida State 
> subsidized company that charges maxi rates and
> provide mini service.  At least I 
> can get coverage on my towers, three miles south of
> me my company doesn't 
> insure towers or antennas.
> We are waiting for the mass exodus of insurance
> companies wanting to leave FL 
> this spring.  At the moment the companies are barred
> from leaving for six 
> months and must renew all policies, auto and home
> included until then.  After 
> that, it will be interesting.
> Bill K4XS
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