[TowerTalk] Ways to mount and insulate a tall vertical ???

Snowden, Douglas RICVAMC douglas.snowden at med.va.gov
Fri Feb 6 07:22:39 EST 2004

I have several sections of alumunum tower (Universal tower) that I plan
on putting up as a 40/80 and maybe 160m vertical and plan on making it
around 90 ft, including the aluminum tubing sticking out of the top.
I would like to mount it insulated but an struggling deciding how to
mount it insulated.  I have heard that pressure treated lumber tends to
have too much moisture to use.  I have a couple of pieces of solid
phenolic tubing one inch diameter.  Any ideas?  Something available
from the hardware store?  The legs are about 1 inch diameter.

Doug N4IJ

Doug Snowden, IT Specialist
Richmond VA Medical Center
(804) 675-5624

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