[TowerTalk] Tower Placement

Doug Renwick ve5ra at sasktel.net
Fri Feb 6 14:05:13 EST 2004

If the tower is designed to be self supporting then I would greatly not recommend guying it.  Self 
supporting towers are actually designed that way with no need for guys.  Guying a self supporter 
will prevent it from twisting like it wants to by design and could actually create a big problem.

My two cents, Gd Luck, Phil  KB9CRY

I presume you mean do not CONVERT a self supporter to a guyed tower.  A self supporting tower
installed as a self supporting tower can be guyed.  For example Delhi towers manufactured in
Canada use the same base installation regardless of whether they are self supporting (<60 ft.)
or guyed (>60 ft).  I guy all my Delhi towers and some are more than 25 years standing.

Doug Renwick VA5DX
First VE5 9BDXCC
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I'll run the race and I will never be the same again.

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