[TowerTalk] new tower for W0RTT

kb9cry at comcast.net kb9cry at comcast.net
Sat Feb 14 23:21:49 EST 2004

I just got word back that Rohn is changing hands and their current delivery 
schedule is worrysome.  Can someone help me find a suitable tower?  I was 
planning on Rohn 45, 90' on a 5' base buried in concrete.  Top of tower will be 
SteppIR 4-el (9.5 cu ft wind load) and 2 element 40 about 6-8 feet above (not 
selected yet).  I would estimate total wind load will be around 20 sq ft. 

>From the Rohn website, 90' of 45G has only two sets of guys and is only rated >for 8.8 sf of flat antenna load one foot off the top.  You'd be overloading >this unless you have an SE do some calcs.

I have selected the heavy duty Yaesu rotator for this using a 12' steel mast.

>Heavy duty mast correct?  And, I'd talk you out of the Yaesu and go with a worm >gear AlfaSpid from Alfa Radio.  Better torque, no brakes, electronic control >with digital readout, computer controllable and presets.  Very nice.

On the side of the tower will be another StepIR 4-el about 33' down the tower, just above the 2nd set of guy wires.  I was planning on using Philistran for the top set of guys and steel for the lower two guys.  Texas Towers has been very 
helpful to me in selecting these items and has most of them in stock, except for 
the tower.  Does anyone on this reflector have any ideas where I might find the 
tower and related parts?. 

>Try Hill Radio in Illinois or AN Wireless who supplies Rohn equivalents.  Also >the AN Wireless self supporter would work for your loads.  Just my two cents.  

I have already sourced the steppIR antennas.

>These are very nice.  Gd luck, cu in the pileups, Phil  KB9CRY

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