[TowerTalk] Grounding Rod Lenght

Tower (K8RI) tower at rogerhalstead.com
Sun Feb 15 14:52:47 EST 2004

Here, it's easy.

The zoning and electrical code require 8' ground rods.
In the case of the electrical system, depending on conditions they may
require up to three 8 foot ground rods separated by 6 feet.  ALL service
wiring (telephone, cable, what ever) is required to tie into this.  (I had
to put in two eight footers)

Strange, the phone company puts in their own ground rod, but I am required
to have it bonded to mine even though they don't.  Seems like an
inconsistency there.I have yet to finish bonding the house electrical ground
to the tower system ground, but will eventually be bonded together with bare
#2, as is everything else.  The ground systems are tied together, but the
big cable is not in yet.

Roger Halstead (K8RI, EN73 & ARRL Life Member)
N833R, World's Oldest Debonair (S# CD-2)

> I'm disagreeing with a manager about the length of grounding rods.
> He's a former small town independent telephone outside plant manager
> and said they used 4' rods, so if it was good enough for the telephone
> company, its good enough for his satellite and two-way radio
> When I did southwestern Bell contract, they required 8' rods on
> which is more in line with current National Electric Code.
> I tried a Google search for NEC Sections 210 and 850 (?) that pertain to
> ground, but only found references and no direct quotable links.
> Any help on this?
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