[TowerTalk] One Man Tower
ragnar otterstad
la5he at yahoo.no
Wed Feb 18 10:18:51 EST 2004
--- VR2BrettGraham <vr2bg at harts.org.hk> skrev: >
LA5HE added:
> >When I finally got a tower after some 40 years of
> ham
> >radio it was a " one man tower" made by Strumech in
> >UK.
> This is getting better - pirated copies in US of an
> Ozzie knock-off of
> a UK tower... ;^)
> 73, VR2BrettGraham
Not being sure of the definition of a "one man tower"
is, I meant to say that I can crank down and tilt
over my Strumech tower by myself , one man !
73 Rag
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