[TowerTalk] Wooden tower
aa6dx at pacbell.net
Wed Feb 25 15:25:19 EST 2004
Not to mention railroad trestles, motorcar overpasses, etc.. wood works, but
heavy subject! Mark
----- Original Message -----
From: <ersmar at comcast.net>
To: "Jack" <K4WSB at arrl.net>
Cc: <towertalk at contesting.com>; "DeVinneys" <devinney at vtc.net>
Sent: Wednesday, February 25, 2004 11:50 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Wooden tower
| TT:
| At the age of 13, too, I used the same 2x4 mast, set in about a
half-cuft of concrete (I said I was 13!)and guyed to the back yard fence. A
half-inch carriage bolt served as a pivot for lowering the thing for antenna
servicing - usually putting the hoisting lines back onto the pulleys. It
also supported my first dipole array - a spider web of 80/40/20M dipoles fed
off one feedline. The far end of the 80M wires draped over the roof of my
parents' two-story frame house. The wires literally rested on the shingles!
| Point is that these lumber-based antenna supports work when properly
constructed. Keep in mind the early antenna support towers were made from
wood - Marconi's and Armstrong's structures are first to come to mind.
| 73 de
| Gene Smar AD3F
| > In 1959 when I was innocent and a new ham (13 years old and broke), I
| > constructed the mast that was in the handbook. Made out of 2x4's and
| > carriage bolts. I used it for one end of a dipole. Worked good and I
| > still have a picture of it. If memory serves me, my neighbor (now K5RC)
| > also used it as a support for his dipole.
| >
| > At 05:34 PM 2/24/04 -0700, DeVinneys wrote:
| > >I remember an ARRL antenna book about 30 years ago had plans for a
| > >tower made out of 1X2's. I never tried it because the 1X2's we get in
AZ and
| > >NM would make it look like a corkscrew. Think I'll wait a few years on
| > >poly tower to see how it holds up to sunlight!KA5W
| >
| > Jack Hartley
| > K4WSB
| > DXCC Honor Roll
| > http://www.ultimatehat.com
| > 10% discount to fellow Hams
| > Put your call on the order
| >
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| >
| > See: http://www.mscomputer.com for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless
| > Stations", and lot's more. Call Toll Free, 1-800-333-9041 with any
| > and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.
| >
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| See: http://www.mscomputer.com for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless
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