[TowerTalk] Plot Plan Question

AA6DX aa6dx at pacbell.net
Fri Jan 2 17:25:23 EST 2004

Someone might want to interject the word   "PLAT" ... here ..
Thankfully, I have CDs with those plats for the local counties...
----- Original Message ----- 
From: <BobK8IA at aol.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Friday, January 02, 2004 8:40 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Plot Plan Question

| In a message dated 1/2/2004 9:20:01 AM US Mountain Standard Time,
| K7LXC at aol.com writes:
| > The big thing that they want to look at are where the underground
| > utilities are and where the sewer/septic tank drain field is.
| >
| >     If you don't know the locations of the above, PLEASE call the
| >
| > for the national locating company. Someone will come out and find most
| > everything for no charge. Even if you have to hire someone yourself,
| > still a
| > cheap investment.
| >
| > Cheers,
| > Steve     K7LXC
| > Professional tower services for commercial and amateur
| > 888-833-3104
| >
| In addition to using the drawing for ug utlity locations, some areas with
| setback restrictions will want to check your drawing to see if you have
| with proposed location of tower setback.
| Re location of underground utlities, most of the "free" locating services
| funded by the utilities and have no interest in locating your septic tank,
| since your damage to those structures falls under the "we dont care"
| :-( You'll have to do that yourself. Here, a drawing of where my septic
| was loacted was part of my closing papers but separate from the survey. No
| problem plotting that in though on my application plat plan.
| 73, Bob K8IA
| Arizona USA
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