[TowerTalk] G5RV

Ron & Madhavi mchilkuri at kasnet.com
Sun Jan 4 02:08:32 EST 2004

We took a commercial G5RV (with ribbon line with "windows" and a balun) to
the Dondra lighthouse (4S7LGT) 2 years in a row and worked nothing of any
significance -- although from the edge of the Island, looking straight out
to sea. We oriented it horizontal, vertical (from atop the 154' lighthouse)
and in inv vee fashion. At NO TIME did it beat a simple and CRUDE dipole.
My brother had a homebrew G5RV up for years, hoping that it would be a
decent ham/SWL antenna. Even though it is longer than a resonant half wave
on the higher bands, I have NEVER EVER seen it out perform mono band

As someone here suggested the only times I have seen one get even close to a
dipole was when it was fed directly with open wire line to a decent tuner.

As for DXCC with wire, I have 97 worked (on 40m) in just over a month. The
antenna is a wire vertical with 6 "bent" radials, to be able to accommodate
them within my 10x30' backyard! A neighbor who runs G5RV can't work the JAs
that I work!

Having said all the above, I have over the years learnt that one man's dream
antenna can sometimes be another man's nightmare!

Ron, 6Y5/4S7RO

----- Original Message -----
From: <KI9A at aol.com>
To: <towertalk at contesting.com>
Sent: Sunday, January 04, 2004 1:16 AM
Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] G5RV

> In a message dated 1/3/04 7:36:17 PM Central Standard Time,
jsb at digistar.com
> writes:
> > Regarding G5RV:  doesn't this antenna have rather poor efficiency if the
> > typical SWR across the "usable" range is 2:1 or higher?  I can match a
> > piece of dacron with a good tuner but it isn't a very efficient radiator
> Oh boy, there is always at least one of these guys around when it comes to
> the subject of the G5RV...
> I use one on 40/80  @ 45'. In 5 years, I have worked EVERYTHING I have
> on it. I have scored near the top of my class ( high power) in domestic
> contests. Any ( well, almost any) antenna at 45' is going to be poor for
DX on the
> low bands. I have over 170 DXCC on 40  & about 145 DXCC on 75/80 with it.
> Lemme see you do this with a piece of dacron. Ok???
> Yeah, it isn't a yagi. Yeah, you need a tuner. But, I did have a full size
> meter dipole up, at the same height, same orientation, & doing A-B
> i NEVER, ever heard  or saw any difference between the 2. Modeling
> might say different, but, my primitive tests show otherwise.  I have never
> 1/2 wave 40 dipole up, but I would assmue the results would be the same.
> Bottom line is this --- If you DO NOT have the space for a full sized 80
> meter dipole, a G5RV is great alternative. Period.
> 73!
> Chuck
> KI9A
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