[TowerTalk] Here is what he said...

Jim White, K4OJ k4oj at tampabay.rr.com
Fri Jan 9 16:51:52 EST 2004

...RE: The BPL article mentioned on this web page, I got a quick 
response back from the Sharon at Computerworld, and she obviously 
forwarded my e-mail to the articles author...

here goes (I have edited out his contact information as I would not want 
to be deluged by people who have NOT at least at first spoken to me:

Hi, Jim

Thanks for your comments on my article. In fact, I did visit the ARRL 
Web site while doing research for the story, and my story includes a 
link to the interference video on the ARRL Web site.

When I did the story, I was slightly concerned that the BPL people would 
complain because Mr. Sumner at ARRL is quoted at length in the story. I 
guess you never can tell who'll react to a story.

I'm sure we'll continue to monitor this issue, and we'll likely write 
follow-up stories to this one. I'll keep your thoughts in mind when I 
write my next article.


Grant Gross
Washington correspondent
IDG News Service

IDG News Service is the internal newswire for IDG, which operates more 
than 300 publications in 85 countries, including Infoworld, 
Computerworld, Network World, PC World and CIO magazine.

I am disappointed to see that Computerworld reporter Grant Gross has
taken the bait the utilities put out for him rather than actually
attempting to see if BPL, Broadband over Power Line, internet access
does indeed cause interference.

It does cause interference and it is not a hard to find complex but a
common interference discernible to any human ear...

Had he taken a moment to go to the American Radio Relay League web site
mentioned in the original source of his information he could have seen
an audio visual clip clearly showing the existence of the problem.

Of course the power companies behind BPL deny it creates interference,
do you think they would admit it?  No, they have taken the best defense
approach of making those who will be interfered with out as the bad guys
- not them, the manufacturers and proponents of the interfering
equipment which does not even meet the FCC's standards!

If Computerworld wishes to become a little more informed I recommend he
go to one of these...

Video showing results of ARRL testing in MD, VA, PA and NY

Internet: - for those with
broadband access

Internet: - for those with
slower access

(Author: ARRL technical staff)

This is not high tech analysis - anyone can hear the "crud" that BPL has
  covered the spectrum with...

Had Mr. Gross bothered to try and do anything other than regurgitate the
BPL proponents "company line" propaganda he would have found this.

The power companies are looking for a way to make more money off their
existing infrastructure - they are of course for BPL.   The
manufacturers of all the devices needed to make BPL work - which could
be numerous and frequent along the power line runs, of course will give
you "happy talk".

I think it would behoove the next person who writes a story on BPL to
visit the ARRL web site at:


Amateur radio and other HF communication services are vital to this
country.  In the event of emergency the communications first responders
are always the hams.  BPL as proposed will render the frequency spectrum
space used by hams worthless - and that is against the FCC's own rules.

James A. White
Amateur Radio Extra Class Licensee: K4OJ
Seffner, Florida

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