[TowerTalk] amateur and commercial tower permit process

skipp isaham nospam4me at juno.com
Sat Jan 10 08:52:09 EST 2004

Hello there, 

I've just joined the tower talk list server. 

I was reading through some of the recent 
tower talk archives. I've seen many of the 
posts about some members going through 
the amateur and commercial tower permit 

I'm in that industry by trade and amateur 
radio and have recently dealt with the county 
government with a few tower projects. 

If one of you is having an issue with an 
amateur or commercial process, please 
post your desired project/issue and I'll try 
to provide some help as I've had very recent 
experience with said. 


nospam4me at juno.com  

The above is my real Email address, 
please don't spam me

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