[TowerTalk] Lighting

jeff millar wa1hco at adelphia.net
Wed Jul 7 00:05:49 EDT 2004

Just a follow up point. If the cloud and the comb of points at the top 
is able to source 300 Amps via something like corona, it _might_ need 
the support of a low impedance to ground in the ground system....depends 
on the "equivelant circuit" of cloud, air, corona, ground, etc.

jeff millar wrote:

> While visiting Chuck, WA1EKV and looking at his 100 Ft tower on a hill 
> with a comb of sharp points on top and 3 large ground leads at the 
> bottom, he told me that he once heard hissing from the top of the 
> tower during a time of dark clouds. He then measured the current in 
> one of the ground lines with a clip-on DC ammeter and found 100 
> Amps....implying a sustained 300 Amps total bleeding from the cloud to 
> ground.
> I don't know if thats enough to bleed off the charge and prevent a 
> strike. It's just an anecdotal data point.
> jeff, wa1hco
> Keith Dutson wrote:
>>> My "gradually and constantly bleeding off the charge" scenario takes 
>>> place
>> before that, before the storm arrives.
>> I don't get it. Exactly what is bleeding off before the storm arrives?
>> Keith
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: towertalk-bounces at contesting.com
>> [mailto:towertalk-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Jerry Keller
>> Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 10:25 PM
>> To: Tom Rauch
>> Cc: (Reflector) TowerTalk; ke3q at msn.com
>> Subject: Re: [TowerTalk] Lighting
>> OK, one more try! Your example describes the cloud as already over the
>> tower. My "gradually and constantly bleeding off the charge" scenario 
>> takes
>> place before that, before the storm arrives. In my scenario, the 
>> tower area
>> rarely gets enough charge built up to be attractive. When the stormcloud
>> arrives, the area around the tower is already "discharged", maybe 
>> even to a
>> greater degree than other surrounding areas, so it looks less 
>> attractive to
>> the charge in the cloud. That's what I call a sort of "prevention", 
>> but it's
>> really just making the tower a less likely target. <snip>
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> _______________________________________________
> See: http://www.mscomputer.com for "Self Supporting Towers", "Wireless 
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> any questions and ask for Sherman, W2FLA.
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