[TowerTalk] Stacking Distance for M2'd 6m7JHV?

Bill VanAlstyne w5wvo at cybermesa.net
Tue Jul 13 01:33:19 EDT 2004

Jim Lux wrote:

> The Drive both, drive one or the other, drive both out of phase
> switching scheme would be a step in the right direction.
> It might be interesting to trade that scheme (which has 4 possible
> settings) against a scheme where you combine the two antennas with
> 0,90,180, or 270 degrees phase shift between them, which also has 4
> settings.  In this scheme, you've got twice the effective aperture
> for all the settings, as opposed to the top/bottom/bip/bop scheme,
> where the single antenna settings have half the aperture.  For HF,
> the change in aperture is probably a non issue, but for VHF and above
> where the sky is quiet...

Jim has articulated a very interesting approach to the question of covering the
range of elevation angles for 6M. I like the idea of retaining the enlarged
aperture of two yagis for the higher take-off angles. But how to model the
effect of various phase shifts on take-off angle? Does anyone have a handle on
that? I don't know of any software that is set up to do the math involved in
this scenario. Any ideas or recommendations?

Bill / W5WVO

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